Executive Summary

Shark and ray resources in Nusantara water are an award for the Indonesian nation. Sharks and rays are renewable resources, but if wrong in exploitation and this threatened resources of extinct (collapse), the recovery will require a long time and a really expensive cost. Exploiting wisely wise and hardly is required, that these resources can be endowed chronically between generations.

The characteristics biology of shark and ray (Elasmobranchii) are slow-growing, long-lived, sexual matured at the age of relatively old and only yields a few pups, nature of like that makes very sensitive shark and ray to fishing pressure (FAO, 2000). The exploitation of shark and ray fisheries in Indonesia waters haves the character of multi-species and multi-gear. Remembers the high price of fishery commodity (shark and ray), hence many fishermen hunting sharks and rays as target species. Indonesia fisherman exploits all parts of shark and rays, for example, meat to consume, fin for export commodity, skin to be tanned, bone for glue material, even as germination inhibitor of ferocious cell in the human body.

The major challenge for shark and ray fisheries in Indonesia is how making a management model of shark and rayon an ongoing basis, capable to guarantee that continuity of resources this sea can be endowed chronically between generations to 30 years to the fore. While best management opportunity for fishery of shark and ray is applying of management strategy of resources matching with sustainable development principles.

The exploitation of shark and ray

FAO NEWSROOM (7 June 2005) explains many poor residents of world hinges from fish. About 38 percent of all fish are traded internationally. The total world export value for fish and fish products is nearly US$60 billion. Significantly, the volume share of developing countries in fishery exports represents about 55 percent of the total (shark and ray is the main commodity). Net receipts of foreign exchange by developing countries through fish trade are now around US$ 17 billion a year, more than they earn from the export of tea, rice, coffee together. Is this opportunity or risk? The answer is how applying responsible management is so important.

In January 2007, all five RMFOs (RFMO, REGIONAL FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION) will meet in Kobe, Japan, for the first time ever to discuss necessary improvements to the fisheries management and trade in fish marine products (IOTC, CCSBT, WCOFC, ICCAT, and IATTC). However, as this briefing highlights, the RMFOs have generally failed to meet their own obligations, as well as those set by the international community to prevent overexploitation of high-seas fish species, rebuild the depleted stock, or protect the wider ecosystem. An important issue from this meeting is how applying IPOA-Sharks. Aims to ensure the conservation and management of sharks and their long-term sustainable use. But simply most all member states RMFOs fails in applies IPOA shark.

FAO NEWSROOM (5 March 2007) reports that concern over the situation of high-seas fish species. Strengthening fisheries management in international waters “a major challenge”. More than half of stocks of highly migratory sharks as either overexploited or depleted. The global situation of 600 marine fish stocks monitored by FAO are 3% (underexploited) ; 20 % (moderately exploited); 52 % (fully exploited); 17 % (overexploited); 7% (depleted); and 1 % (recovering from depletion).
Shark and ray are one of fish gone out to sea to be a really extraordinary. Shark is an excellent swimmer of long-distance and is the highest predator. Shark and ray in finding along the length of Atlantic ocean, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and other ocean. But the fishery world of shark and ray experiences several problems of public insist on finishing existence, continuity they and endangers the broader ecosystem. The best scientists of the world warn, without assertive action, most population of the shark and ray will decline at level endangering in one decade. Shark and ray is big business for the Indonesian nation, imagines the price of the fin to reach 660 US$ per kilogram in Asian marketing. The water territory of Indonesia sea states which at most catching shark and ray (100 000 tons) with shark product export value equal to US $ 13 million (FAO, 2000). Fisherman exploits all parts of shark and rays, for example, flesh to consume, fin for export commodity, skin to be tanned, bone for glue material, even as germination inhibitor of ferocious cell in human body (Irianto, 1993; and Nasran, 1993).

Exploiting of resources fishery of shark and ray in Indonesian water has taken place hereditarily, starts from epoch Majapahit, colonization of Dutch, Japan and hitherto ( after Indonesia independence era). Note of exploiting the opening of resources sea fisher in the form of fishery statistics started in the year 1975. Although still limited, this very useful statistic as an initial step in fisheries management. Based on the fishery statistics of Indonesia (1975-2005) shows the production of shark and national ray experiences fluctuation (between 47000 tons to 105000 tons), and the highest haul happened in the year 1999 ( 105.000.ton). In general catch per unit effort (CPUE) indicated degradation from year to year. Since the year 1975 hitherto, the fishery statistic of Indonesia notes shark and ray only in two types, while its number of shark and ray species 197 (30 species has been exploited commercially). The fishing activity of shark and ray takes place during the year. Fishing season specifically is not able yet to in determining except based on monthly data produce of fish landed in fishery port. For example, arrest top of shark in Indonesia west in April.

The fishery of shark and ray consisted of having immeasurable fish species (multi-species) and caught by various fishing gear (multi-gear) in Indonesia water. The fishing activity of shark and ray ( Elasmobranchii) in Indonesia water grew since the year 1970. Although shark and ray are bay catch from various fishing gear, the level of the exploiting has been intensive (Widodo, 2000). This thing is seen from catch per unit effort ( CPUE), and degradation of production (Fishery Statistic of Indonesia 1975 - 2005). Besides, already happened degradation of biodiversity of resources marked with the loss of type Pristidae. The fishing gear shark and ray in number which many are demersal large of bottom gillnet, demersal small of bottom gillnet, trammel net, danish seine, drift gillnet, rays bottom long line, bottom longline, tuna long line), and portable traps.

Till now, exploiting resources shark and ray in Indonesia good for local consumers and also export still in the form of source of man food. While the direction of exploiting results of sea fisher in developed countries allotment at health, pharmacy raw material (drugs), cosmetics, souvenirs, etc. Difference various forms of fisher product clearly make it is having higher level added value if only applied as a source of man food.

Potential of shark and ray

As the biggest archipelago country in the world, the Indonesia continent region (1,9 million Km2) spread over at around 17500 of island united by a real sea wide (around 5,8 million Km2). Coastline length encircling continent is around 81000 km, which is the longest tropical coastline world or longest both world after Canada. Geographically Indonesia sea lays between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, between Asian continents and Australian, included in of presentation of the Sunda shelf in part of the west and Sahul shelf in part of the east. Since the year 2000 seas we have recognized the world as the coral triangle believed to have potential resources involves is highest in the world. Height of the biodiversity not merely because of a real strategic geographical position, but also influenced by various factors like various seasonal climate, current or a period of sea-water influenced two ocean, and variance of habitat type and ecosystem in it. Biodiversity potency in the Indonesia ocean region, good in the form of species, ecosystem and genetic is a real asset to support the development of Indonesia economics.

Understanding of marine fish potential simple is the many species and number of fish on the sea. For example, for state ASEAN having some fish species Indonesia (3213 species), Philippine (2824 species), Malaysia (1102 species), and five other ASEAN states have several fish species under 1000 species. The number of shark and ray species of Indonesia water is estimated to 197 species, and 142 species have been recognized surely, and 30 species have been exploited commercially. The basic question is fishery potential of shark and ray Indonesia alighted from time to time because of fishing pressure ? Limited studies about fishery potency of shark and ray Indonesia, however, if it is seen from data totally during rearward 30 years, inferential that Indonesia sea fisher potency doesn't change. Mean exploitation pressure of fishing and other factors still be well-balanced with carrying capacity resources fisheries of shark and ray. This thing because of our fisherman majority exploiting it still following responsible fishing method (Code of Conduct of Responsible Fishing, FAO). Despite a minority part our fisherman using the equipment destroying area.

In the year 1997, the Indonesia scientist of marine fisheries compromises builds Komisi Nasional Stok Assessment (KNSA) as a mean to evaluates periodical marine fisheries potential. To make moderate and facilitates information, divisible sea fisher potency in nine regions by team KNSA (Picture 1). This division of course by considering various biodiversity potency aspects in Indonesia sea territory, good in the form of species, ecosystem and genetic. Condition of potency and level of exploiting of resources fishery of the existing shark and ray indicated that major has not been exploited optimally. The region which has in exploiting fully generally at the coastal area by middle and small scale fisherman. A location that has been over-exploited simply only 15 % from overall of the available region. While some other regions have not been exploited optimally (Table 1)

Figure 1. Nine Marine Fisheries Management areas in Indonesia
1=Malacca Strait, 2= South China Sea, 3=Java Sea, 4= Flores Sea, 5= Banda Sea, 6= Maluku Sea, 7=Celebes Sea and the Pacific Ocean, 8=Arafura Sea, 9= Indian Ocean

Table 1. Status Shark and Rays Fisheries by Management Area
Source: The Analysis of Some Scientific Paper of Marine Fisheries 1975-2007
U  : Eksploitasi rendah (Under exploited) F: Eksploitasi penuh (Fully exploited)
M  : Eksploitasi sedang (Moderate) O: Eksploitasi berlebih (Over fishing)
UN: Belum dievaluasi (Uncertain)

Penulis: Dr. Priyanto Rahardjo (BIOVASI Lab., Jakarta Fisheries University)